Throughout the Years with Theater By The Blind (2000-2007)

Pamela is standing behind Christopher and she is placing her hands on his shoulders. Christopher is sitting in a wheelchair looking at Nick. Nick is sitting on a chair and looking at both of them.

THE RULES OF CHARITY at Theatre Row’s Lion Theatre, NYC May-June 2007:

This play was directed by Ike Schambelan and it starred Brian Bielawski, Hollis Hamilton, Christopher Hurt, Gregg Mozgala, Pamela Sabaugh, and Nicholas Viselli.

"A DARK, scalding play [in] a SHARP New York premiere.” - The New York Times

A group of people who are talking to Ann Marie. Erin is grabbing Ann Marie's arm. They are in dim lighting.

A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM at the Barrow Group Theater, NYC Jan-Feb 2007:

This play was directed by Ike Schambelan and it starred George Ashiotis, Nick Cordileone, Jon Levenson, Ann Marie Morelli, Andrew Rein, Erin O'Leary, and Nicholas Viselli.

"An inspired choice for Theater By The Blind ... fascinating ... ingenious" with "the most intriguing thing [being] how the company stages the play with just six actors" and with the use of a actress in a wheelchair adding a "most delightful extra layer of meaning in the production.” -The New York Times

Pamela is wearing a rain jacket, a striped hoodie, and a white hat. She's smiling. Nicholas is wearing a tie-dye shirt while smiling, putting his arms around his friends. Nick is wearing a green jacket.

HAMLET at Theatre 5, NYC June 2006:

This play was directed by Ike Schambelan and it starred George Ashiotis, Melanie Boland, Nick Cordileone, John Little, Pamela Sabaugh, and Nicholas Viselli.

"A well acted marvel of economy and energy. Fresh and accessible. Involving and engaging." -

Pamela is wearing a suit, a blue scarf and kneeling holding a tray with her head turned listening to J. Martin. He's wearing dark glasses, sitting behind Pamela on the edge of a window. He's wearing a suit, trying to grab the tray.

OEDIPUS at the Mint Theatre, NYC May-June 2005:

This play was co-directed by George Ashiotis and Ike Schambelan, and it starred George Ashiotis, Melanie Boland, J. M. McDonough, and Pamela Sabaugh.

"An extraordinary troupe designed to defy expectations".  - The New York Times

George Ashiotis, Pamela Sabaugh, Nicholas Viselli. A group of three, who are dress formaly. They are looking at a book while they are smiling. There are empty drinking glasses in front of them on a table.

DIAL ‘M’ FOR MURDER at the Parker Theatre at the Algonquin Theatre, NYC June 2004:

This play was directed by Ike Schambelan and it starred George Ashiotis, Gary Bergman, J.M. McDonough, Pamela Sabaugh, Xen Theo, and Nicholas Viselli.

“…Theater By The Blind has enhanced this production so that it can be enjoyed by blind audience members. This is accomplish through the use of a narrator, who provides occasional, always unobtrusive descriptions of important action ("He picks up the scarf and starts to strangle her"—that sort of thing.)… -

Lynn Manning's Weights Theater Poster. A poster that shows two men who are in a green and red lighting. They're using hand gestures. Also, there are different font colors and braille text.

LYNN MANNING’S WEIGHTS at the Urban Stages, NYC Jan-Feb 2004:

This play was directed by Robert Egan and it starred Gary Bergman and Lynn Manning.

“Lynn Manning once was lost, but now is found; could see, but now is blind. These are the twin narratives that lift Weights. …Manning helps the audience to see the world through his own shattered lens.” - Adam Feldman, Time Out New York

George Ashiotis, J. Martin McDonough, Nicholas Viselli, Pamela Sabaugh, Karen Case Cook, and Melanie Boland. A group of people who are eating dinner together.

WHEN I’M 64 at The Blue Heron Arts Center, NYC June 2003:

This play was written and directed by Ike Schambelan and it starred George Ashiotis, Melanie Boland, Karen Case Cook, J. M. McDonough, Pamela Sabaugh, and Nicholas Viselli.

“The grand style of acting from the principal characters was immediately apparent at the top of the show. This is a hot script and it brought out the best in this talented corps of actors.” - Jade Esteban Estrada, OOBR

A group of people who are dress formally and circle around the older man who is wearing a red shawl, holding candles.

TEN LITTLE INDIANS at The Blue Heron Arts Center, NYC Jan-Feb 2003:

This play was directed by Ike Schambelan and it starred George Ashiotis, Melanie Boland, Gary Bergman, Jerry Lee, Adam Linn, Ann Marie Morelli, Adam Michenner, J. M. McDonough, Pamela Sabaugh, Xen Theo, and Nicholas Viselli.

“…Well, you can see for yourself, and maybe win a free bottle of champagne. Be sure to make someone else take the first sip!" - Marissa Harris. Washington Square News

A group of women that are having a great time. One person is wearing a red shirt. The second person is wearing a blue shirt and she has her leg in the air. The last person is wearing a black dress. They are posing for the photo.

BRECHT ON BRECHT at The Blue Heron Arts Center, NYC June 2002:

This play was directed by Ike Schambelan and it starred George Ashiotis, Gary Bergman, Michael Coleman Dee, Ann Marie Morelli, Marlene O'Haire, Pamela Sabaugh, Xen Theo, and Nicholas Viselli.

"A nimble revival! Theater By The Blind finds charm and wit everywhere in this theatrical potpourri! The production strikes the right balance between the witty and the weighty!" - Jonathan Shandell, OOBR

George Ashiotis, Melanie Boland, Nicholas Viselli, Richard Simon, Gary Bergman, Michael Dee, and Jerry Lee. A group of people who are dressed formally in a dimly lit room. They are talking.

MURDER IN BAKER STREET at the Mint Space, NYC Feb-March 2002:

This play was directed by Ike Schambelan and it starred George Ashiotis, Gary Bergman, Melanie Boland, Michael Dee, Jerry Lee, Richard Simon, and Nicholas Viselli.

“An elegant, lively melodrama. … Theater By The Blind is quite simply one of the most enjoyable companies in the country.” - Donald Lyons, New York Post

Marlene O'Haire, Nicholas Viselli, and George Ashiotis. A group of friends who are dressed formally outside. They are smiling. Nick is holding something in the air.

MISALLIANCE at the Mint Space, NYC, June 2001:

This play was directed by Ike Schambelan and it starred George Ashiotis, Gary Bergman, Melanie Boland, Michael Dee, Brian McManamon, Marlene O'Haire, Pamela Sabaugh, Xenophon A. Theophall, and Nicholas Viselli.

"A brilliant treatment by director Ike Schambelan! He assembles an extraoridinary cast with perfect comic timing, not to mention impecabble British dialects, to deliever this witty charmer!" - Jeanette Toomer, Backstage

George Ashiotis and Karen Case Cook. Two people who are dressed formally. They are talking but they are not facing each other.

THE UNEXPECTED GUEST at the 30th Street Theatre, NYC, Oct-Nov 2000:

This play was directed by Ike Schambelan and it starred George Ashiotis, Melanie Boland, Karen Case Cook, Michael Dee, Jerry Lee, Ben Raunch, Pamela Sabaugh, Nick Sakellarios, George Spelvin, and Xen Theo.

"A thumping good British thriller! I'm already looking forward to their next production! 'The Unexpected Guest' sure surprised me with its unexpected ending and the entire cast was up to its challenges!" - Peter Filichia,