Virtual/Hybrid Events
(Scroll throughout the page to see our great work)
During the week of Monday, January 22nd - Sunday, January 28th, 2024, we had our second Hybrid Playmakers’ Intensive Two or we like to call it; HPI 2: LIVE AND IN PERSON! This event was a combination of our traditional VPIs series that was created during the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown and in-person live theatre performances. The first five performances were performed on Zoom and live-streamed on our YouTube and Facebook pages with livestream captions. On the final night of this workshop, we had a live theatre event in front of an audience, and it was live-streamed on our YouTube and Facebook pages with livestream captions. The performances were composed of 11 shorts, and six performances were designed for Zoom. The last five shorts were designed for the stage. You can check out all of the performances from this workshop below, and you’ll see how technology has changed our way of communication.
Sunday, January 28th, 2024: CLOSING NIGHT OF HPI 2: LIVE AND IN PERSON with captions
THE RUNNING ORDER: 1. YES, THAT’S ME by Chris Chan Roberson Directed by: Stuart Green Starring: Veronica Cruz, Joesph Kibler, and Dipti Mehta 2. 3 DOTS by Cate Allen Directed by: Tamar Kummel Starring: Jennifer Elizabeth Bradley, Enrique Huili, and Aya Ibaraki 3. CELLPHONE CANTATA by Anita Hollander Directed by: Shellen Lubin Starring: Samantha Debicki, John Little, and Dan Teachout 4. KUM BA YAH by Shellen Lubin Directed by: Ben Rauch Starring: Scott Barton, Paul Obedzinski, Melanie Portsche, and Xen Theophall 5. OH GOD! I’M LIQUID! AND I’M EVERYWHERE! by Jeff Tabnick Directed by: Graydon Gund Starring: Carey Cox, Melissa Jennifer Gonzalez, and Nick Walther
Saturday, January 27th, 2024: SIXTH NIGHT OF HPI 2: LIVE AND IN PERSON with captions
CROSS by Conor Hanney Directed by: AhDream Smith Starring: Bree Klauser, Ann Marie Morelli, and Gaia Visnar
Friday, January 26th, 2024: FIFTH NIGHT OF HPI 2: LIVE AND IN PERSON with captions
ALL I WANT by Estrella Tamez Directed by: David Adam Gill Starring: Helen Coxe, Tamar Kummel, and Richard M. Rose
Thursday, January 25th, 2024: FOURTH NIGHT OF HPI 2: LIVE AND IN PERSON with captions
CULTIVATED SOUL by Juan Carlos Rodriguez Directed by: Gaia Visnar Starring: Shashi Bangera, Alyssa H. Chase, and Patrick J. O'Hare
Wednesday, January 24th, 2024: THIRD NIGHT OF HPI 2: LIVE AND IN PERSON with captions
NO SANDWICH FOR ME PLEASE by Robin Marshall Directed by: Ann Marie Morelli Starring: Mary Ann Conk, Christopher Hurt, and Estrella Tamez
Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024: SECOND NIGHT OF HPI 2: LIVE AND IN PERSON with captions
Telegraph Wire and The Fable of The Flagman by Peter Mark Directed by: Tamar Kummel Starring: Shravan Amin, Ben Rauch, and Jack Sims
Monday, January 22nd, 2024: OPENING NIGHT OF HPI 2: LIVE AND IN PERSON with captions
ITS JUST NOT CRICKET by Elise Allen Directed by: Richard M. Rose Starring: Keith Murfee DeConcini, Stephen Drabicki, and David Harrell
TBTB’s HPI 1: DramaTis UbQtous - 2022
During the week of Monday, November 14th - Saturday, November 19th, 2022, we had our very first Hybrid Playmakers’ Intensive One series or we like to call it; HPI 1: DramaTis UbQtous! This event was a combination of our traditional VPIs series that was created during the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown and in-person live theatre performances. The first four performances were performed on Zoom and live-streamed on our YouTube and Facebook pages with live-stream captions. On the final night of this workshop, we had our first in-person live theatre event before the pandemic, and it was live-streamed on our YouTube and Facebook pages with live-stream captions. The performances were comprised of five shorts, and three performances were designed for Zoom and then translated into a stage format. The last two shorts were designed for the stage. You can check out all of the performances from this workshop below, and you can decide whether virtual theatre is a good substitution for regular theatre.
Saturday, November 19, 2022: The Closing Night of HPI 1: DramaTis UbQtous with captions
Running Order: 1. I AM OBLIGATED TO DISCLOSE by Cate Allen Directed by Ben Rauch. Starring: Scott Barton and Dan Teachout 2. PUTTING TO REST by David Adam Gill Directed by Ed Setrakian. Starring: Veronica Cruz and Melissa Jennifer Gonzalez 3. THAT WE KEEP by Tatiana G. Rivera Directed by Ashley Wren Collins. Starring: Enrique Huili and Aya Ibaraki 4. A PRIVATE SORROW by Kathryn Grant Directed by Chris Chan Roberson. Starring: Fareeda Ahmed and Ann Marie Morelli 5. ROSE BEGONIA TANSY SUNFLOWER by Chris Chan Roberson Directed by Shellen Lubin. Starring: Dipti Mehta and Patrick Tombs.
Friday, November 18, 2022: PUTTING TO REST by David Adam Gill with captions
PUTTING TO REST by David Adam Gill Directed by Ed Setrakian Starring: Veronica Cruz and Melissa Jennifer Gonzalez.
Thursday, November 17, 2022: I AM OBLIGATED TO DISCLOSE by Cate Allen with captions
I AM OBLIGATED TO DISCLOSE by Cate Allen Directed by Ben Rauch Starring: Scott Barton and Dan Teachout
Wednesday, November 16, 2022: THAT WE KEEP by Tatiana G. Rivera with captions
THAT WE KEEP by Tatiana G. Rivera Directed by Ashley Wren Collins Starring: Enrique Huili and Aya Ibaraki
Tuesday, November 15, 2022: BLOOD RUNS COLD by Rob Urbinati with captions
BLOOD RUNS COLD by Rob Urbinati Directed by Graydon Gund Starring: Samantha Debicki, Keith Murfee-DeConcini, and Gaia Visnar
Monday, November 14, 2022 Opening Night of HPI 1: DramaTis UbQtous: MEETING ON THE STAIRS by Jerrod Bogard with captions
MEETING ON THE STAIRS by Jerrod Bogard Directed by Richard M. Rose Starring: Stephen Drabicki, Khalil LeSaldo, and Jack Sims
During the weeks of March 18th - April 1st, 2022, we had our sixth Virtual Playmakers' Intensive (TBTB's VPI 6: STAR CHANGERS) on YouTube Live at 7:30 pm EST with livestream captions and then on Facebook Live at 8:30 pm EST each night. We had all of the audio descriptions incorporated into each performance to assist people who may need extra visional cues. Check out these recordings of the performances below!
FRIDAY, April 1st, 2022 CLOSING NIGHT: HUMANS by Mrinalini Kamath with captions
HUMANS by Mrinalini Kamath Directed by: Stuart Green (he/him/his) Starring: Rhianna Basore, Jessika Carter-Ross, Ben Rauch, and Lisa Riegel
THURSDAY, March 31st, 2022: NO ESC by Nina Ki (xe/she/they) with captions
NO ESC by Nina Ki (xe/she/they) Directed by: Rhianna Basore Starring: Subin Kara Ahn (she/they/he), Jennifer Elizabeth Bradley, and Bree Klauser (she/they)
WEDNESDAY, March 30th, 2022: WE THE PEOPLE by Richard Lear with captions
WE THE PEOPLE by Richard Lear Directed by: Fred Backus Starring: Shashi Bangera, Carlos Guillermo, Xen Theo, and Everett Quinton
TUESDAY, March 29th, 2022: EPIDERMIS by Christopher Chan Roberson with captions
EPIDERMIS by Christopher Chan Roberson Directed by: Ashley Wren Collins Starring: Veronica Cruz, Keith Murfee-Deconcini, Aubree Dixon, and Mikey Lorch
MONDAY, March 28th, 2022: THE INTERVIEW by Enrique Huili with captions
THE INTERVIEW by Enrique Huili Directed by: Eric Nightengale Starring: Nina Ki (xe/she/they) and John Little
SUNDAY, March 27th, 2022: MAYFLIES by Chris Snock with captions
MAYFLIES by Chris Snock Directed by: Everett Quinton Starring: Natasha "Courage" Bacchus, Alyssa H. Chase, and Dan Teachout
SATURDAY, March 26th, 2022: AFTERMATH OF A DINNER PARTY by Cate Allen with captions
AFTERMATH OF A DINNER PARTY by Cate Allen Directed by: Shellen Lubin (She/They) Starring: Sarah Bitar, Heba Toulan, and Nick Walther
FRIDAY, March 25th, 2022: FARTHEST REACH by Ella Mock (They/Them/Theirs) with captions
FARTHEST REACH by Ella Mock (They/Them/Theirs) Directed by: Tamar Kummel Starring: Pamela Sabaugh and Jack Sims
THURSDAY, March 24th, 2022: IN GRIEF AND IN PRAISE by Estrella Tamez with captions
IN GRIEF AND IN PRAISE by Estrella Tamez Directed by: Robin Carmon Marshall Starring: Lori Brown-Niang, Dante Jayce, and Patrick J. O’Hare
WEDNESDAY, March 23rd, 2022: Of Letters or The Book Club by Rebecca Quinn Robertson with captions
Of Letters or The Book Club by Rebecca Quinn Robertson Directed by: Subin Kara Ahn (She/They/He) Starring: Samantha Debicki, Melissa Jennifer Gonzalez (She/They), and Gaia Visnar
TUESDAY, March 22nd, 2022: THE CONTRALTOS by Stuart Green (He/Him/His) with captions
THE CONTRALTOS by Stuart Green (He/Him/His) Directed by: Ella Mock (They/Them/Their) Starring: George Ashiotis, Veronica Cruz, and Christopher Hurt
MONDAY, March 21st, 2022: REMEMBER by Peter Mark with captions
REMEMBER by Peter Mark Directed by: Ben Rauch Starring: Borah Ahn and Richard M. Rose
SUNDAY, March 20th, 2022: DOWNLOADING by Robin Carmon Marshall with captions
DOWNLOADING by Robin Carmon Marshall Directed by: Heba Toulan Starring: Aya Ibaraki, Paul Obedzinski, and Estrella Tamez
SATURDAY, March 19th, 2022: PREAMBLE by Shellen Lubin (She/They) with captions
PREAMBLE by Shellen Lubin (She/They) Directed by: Graydon Gund Starring: Ann Marie Morelli and Dipti Mehta
FRIDAY, March 18th, 2022 OPENING NIGHT: DEAD TORSOS SHED NO TEARS by Jeff Tabnick with captions
DEAD TORSOS SHED NO TEARS by Jeff Tabnick Directed by: Richard M. Rose Starring: Scott Barton, Fred Backus, and Dan Teachout
During the weeks of May 31st - June 13th 2021, we had our fifth Virtual Playmakers' Intensive (TBTB's VPI5: TIME CAPSULE) on YouTube Live at 7:30 pm EST with livestream captions and then on Facebook Live at 8:30 pm EST each night. We had Ann Marie Morelli, Richard M. Rose, Anita Hollander, and Andrea Miskow as the Audio Describers for all of the performances. They described what was going on the screen for people who may need extra visional cues. Check out these recordings of the performances below!
Sunday, June 13, 2021 CLOSING NIGHT: DOWNWARD DOGS by Caroline Aaron with captions
DOWNWARD DOGS by Caroline Aaron Directed by Anita Hollander Starring: Richard Lear, and Alyssa H. Chase
Saturday, June 12, 2021: BLANKET TIME, A LOVE STORY by Jeff Tabnick with captions
BLANKET TIME, A LOVE STORY by Jeff Tabnick Directed by AhDream Smith Starring: Fareeda Ahmed, Melissa Jennifer Gonzalez, Lori Brown Niang, and Heba Toulan
Friday, June 11, 2021: STRENGTH IN NUMBERS by Cate Allen with captions
STRENGTH IN NUMBERS by Cate Allen Directed by Maria Mileaf Starring: Fred Backus, Alyssa H. Chase, Keith Murfee-Deconcini, and Jon Paul Niang
Thursday, June 10, 2021: PARENT TEACHER by Jerrod Bogard with captions
PARENT TEACHER by Jerrod Bogard Directed by Tamar Kummel Starring: George Ashiotis, Stuart Green, Kaisa Penney, and Estrella Tamez
Wednesday, June 9, 2021: D O G by Juan Carlos Diaz with captions
D O G by Juan Carlos Diaz Directed by Kalilah Black Starring: Helen Cox, Martin Lewis, Dan Teachout, and Xen Theo
Tuesday, June 8, 2021: SOULS HIGHWAY THE GUITAR LESSON by Anita Hollander with captions
SOULS HIGHWAY THE GUITAR LESSON by Anita Hollander Directed by David Adam Gill Starring: Bree Klauser, Rebecca Quinn Robertson, and AhDream Smith
Monday, June 7, 2021: SISTERS, WEYWRD by Rebecca Quinn Robertson with captions
SISTERS, WEYWRD by Rebecca Quinn Robertson Directed by Stephen Drabicki Starring: Gaia Visnar, Carey Cox, and Ann Flanigan
Sunday, June 6, 2021: SOMETHING IS FAR AWAY by Enrique Huili with captions
SOMETHING IS FAR AWAY by Enrique Huili Directed by Eric Nightengale Starring: Shravan Amin, Richard M. Rose, and Jamie Petrone
Saturday, June 5, 2021: THE BIG REVEAL by Estrella Tamez with captions
THE BIG REVEAL by Estrella Tamez Directed by Stuart Green Starring: Shashi Bangera, Carlos Guillermo, Courage Bacchus, and AhDream Smith
Friday, June 4, 2021: WHAT GENRE IS THIS RABBIT by Christopher Chan Roberson with captions
WHAT GENRE IS THIS RABBIT by Christopher Chan Roberson Directed by Fred Backus Starring: Aya Ibaraki, Patrick J. O’Hare, Davene Stern, and Estrella Tamez
Thursday, June 3, 2021: SPOOKY ACTION AT A DISTANCE by Pamela Sabaugh with captions
SPOOKY ACTION AT A DISTANCE by Pamela Sabaugh Directed by Richard M. Rose Starring: Sean Phillips, Jack Sims, and Nick Walther
Wednesday, June 2, 2021: SAFETY ON by Monèt Marshall with captions
SAFETY ON by Monèt Marshall Directed by Ben Rauch Starring: Carlos Guillermo, Robin Marshall, and Pamela Sabaugh
Tuesday, June 1, 2021: GHOSTS IN THE MACHINE by Fareeda Ahmed with captions
GHOSTS IN THE MACHINE by Fareeda Ahmed Directed by Ashley Wren Collins Starring: Scott Barton, Kalilah Black, Jennifer Elizabeth Bradley, and Samantha Debicki
Monday, May 31, 2021 OPENING NIGHT: THE MIDDLE-AGED MEN’S ROMANTIC MOVIE CLUB by Kathryn Grant with captions
THE MIDDLE-AGED MEN’S ROMANTIC MOVIE CLUB by Kathryn Grant Directed by Kristin Heckler Starring: David Harrell, John Little, and Ben Rauch
During the weeks of March 12th - 21st 2021, we had our fourth Virtual Playmakers' Intensive (TBTB's VPI4: TRANS4MISSIONS!) on YouTube Live at 7:30 pm EST with livestream captions and then on Facebook Live at 8:30 pm EST each night. During this intensive, we had Ann Marie Morelli as the Audio Describer for all of the performance. She described what was going on the screen for people who may need extra visional cues. Check out these recordings of the performances below!
Sunday, March 21, 2021 CLOSING NIGHT: LOST AND FOUND by Caroline Aaron with captions
LOST AND FOUND by Caroline Aaron Directed by Nicholas Viselli Starring: Samantha Debicki, J. Martin McDonough, Ben Rauch, and Jon Paul Niang.
Saturday, March 20, 2021: CARE FULL by Khalil LeSaldo with captions
CARE FULL by Khalil LeSaldo Directed by Richard M. Rose Starring: Martin Lewis, Lori Brown Niang, Sean Phillips, and Jack Sims
Friday, March 19, 2021: THE OPPEZ SHOW by Garrett Zuercher with captions
THE OPPEZ SHOW by Garrett Zuercher Directed by Stephen Drabicki Starring: Courage Bacchus, Veronica Cruz, Dickie Hearts, Christopher Imbrosiano, AhDream Smith, and Heba Toulan
Thursday, March 18, 2021: DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE? by Tatiana G. Rivera with captions
DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE? by Tatiana G. Rivera Directed by Ed Setrakian Starring: Scott Katzman, John Little, AhDream Smith, and Gaia Visnar
Wednesday, March 17, 2021: PATRIMONIAL by Rebecca Quinn Robertson with captions
PATRIMONIAL by Rebecca Quinn Robertson Directed by Everett Quinton Starring: Carey Cox, Christopher Hurt, Patrick J. O’Hare, and Nick Walther
Tuesday, March 16, 2021: THE IDLES OF MARCH by Stuart Green with captions
THE IDLES OF MARCH by Stuart Green Directed by Estrella Tamez Starring: Fareeda Ahmed, Veronica Cruz, David Harrell, and Jamie Petrone
Monday, March 15, 2021: WE CAN’T SLEEP by Chris Phillips with captions
WE CAN’T SLEEP by Chris Phillips Directed by Kristin Heckler Starring: Shravan Amin, Jaleesa Graham, Bree Klauser, and Melanie Portsche
Sunday, March 14, 2021: MENded by Cate Allen with captions
MENded by Cate Allen Directed by Richard M. Rose Starring: Enrique Huili, Fred Backus, and Keith Murfee-DeConcini
Saturday, March 13, 2021: THIS MEETING IS BEING RECORDED by Chris Chan Roberson with captions
THIS MEETING IS BEING RECORDED by Chris Chan Roberson Directed by Khalil LeSaldo Starring: Shashi Bangera, Kalilah Black, Laura Gaona, and Estrella Tamez
Friday, March 12, 2021 OPENING NIGHT: CLOWN FETISH PARTY by Jeff Tabnick with captions
CLOWN FETISH PARTY by Jeff Tabnick Directed by Pamela Sabaugh Starring: Melissa Jennifer Gonzalez, Carlos Guillermo, Richard Lear, Rebecca Quinn Robertson, and Dan Teachout
TBTB’s VPI 3: INUNION - 2020
During the weeks of October 19th - November 1st 2020, we had our third Virtual Playmakers' Intensive (TBTB's VPI3: INUNION) on YouTube Live at 7:30 pm EST with livestream captions and then on Facebook Live at 8:15 pm EST each night. Check out these recordings of the performances below!
Sunday, November 1, 2020 CLOSING NIGHT: PERSEPHONE by Chris Phillips with captions
PERSEPHONE by Chris Phillips Directed by Ann Marie Morelli Starring: Helen Coxe, John Little, and Paul Pryce
Saturday, October 31, 2020: TEACHER’S PET by Enrique Huili with captions
TEACHER’S PET by Enrique Huili Directed by: Richard M. Rose Starring: Anita Hollander, J. Martin McDonough, and Keith Murfee-DeConcini
Friday, October 30, 2020: GOODNIGHT SOMEBODY by Jerrod Bogard with captions
GOODNIGHT SOMEBODY by Jerrod Bogard Directed by: AhDream Smith Starring: Jennifer Elizabeth Bradley, Sarah Folkins, Ward Nixon, and Nick Walther
Thursday, October 29, 2020: FIND YOUR LOVE by Tatiana G. Rivera with captions
FIND YOUR LOVE by Tatiana G. Rivera Directed by: Gwynn MacDonald Starring: Shravan Amin, Robin Marshall, Ben Rauch, and Patrick Tombs
Wednesday, October 28, 2020: THE ART OF EXPOSURE by Shellen Lubin with captions
THE ART OF EXPOSURE by Shellen Lubin Directed by: Kalilah Black Starring: David Harrell, Christopher Hurt, Melanie Portsche, and Rebecca Quinn Robertson
Tuesday, October 27, 2020: YOU CAN’T GET A MAN WITH A GUN by Caroline Aaron with captions
YOU CAN’T GET A MAN WITH A GUN by Caroline Aaron Directed by: Kristin Heckler Starring: Scott Barton, Juan Carlos Diaz, Aya Ibaraki
Monday, October 26, 2020: conSession by Stuart Green with captions
conSession by Stuart Green Directed by: Ben Rauch Starring: Veronica Cruz, Sean Phillips, and Dan Teachout
Sunday, October 25, 2020: GRAMS by Gwynn MacDonald with captions
GRAMS by Gwynn MacDonald Directed by Roberto Cambeiro Starring: Carlos Guillermo, Bree Klauser, and Dipti Mehta
Saturday, October 24, 2020: THERE ARE TOO MANY OF US (GOVERNMENT TV’S MOST POPULAR MANDATORY GAME SHOW) by Nico Grelli with captions
THERE ARE TOO MANY OF US (GOVERNMENT TV’S MOST POPULAR MANDATORY GAME SHOW) by Nico Grelli Directed by: Shellen Lubin Starring: Richard Lear, Martin Lewis, and Richard M. Rose
Friday, October 23, 2020: JAI HO by Kathryn Grant with captions
JAI HO by Kathryn Grant Directed by: Keyanna Alexander Starring: Shashi Bangera, Christine Bruno, Alyssa H. Chase, and Jack Sims
Thursday, October 22, 2020: RECEPTACLE by Rebecca Quinn Robertson with captions
RECEPTACLE by Rebecca Quinn Robertson Directed by: Nicholas Viselli Starring: Rachel Handler, Jon Paul Niang, Estrella Tamaz, and Gaia Visnar
Wednesday, October 21, 2020: THE SOUND BENEATH THE SOUND by Jeff Tabnick with captions
THE SOUND BENEATH THE SOUND by Jeff Tabnick Directed by: Graydon Gund Starring: Lori Brown-Niang, Jordan Feit, Jamie Petrone, and Pearl Rhein
Tuesday, October 20, 2020: YOU’VE JUST BEEN TONY’D by Chris Chan Roberson with captions
YOU’VE JUST BEEN TONY’D by Chris Chan Roberson Directed by: Christina Roussos Starring: Jaleesa Graham, Christopher Imbrosiano, and Patrick J. O’Hare
Monday, October 19, 2020 OPENING NIGHT: GAME NIGHT by Khalil LeSaldo with captions
GAME NIGHT by Khalil LeSaldo Directed by: Kimille Howard Starring: Samantha Debicki, Ann Flanigan, Laura Gaona, and Melissa Jennifer Gonzalez
TBTB's VPI 2: Voices from the Great Experiment - 2020
During the week of August 3rd-10th 2020, we had our second Virtual Playmakers' Intensive (TBTB's VPI2: Voices from the Great Experiment!) on YouTube Live at 7:30 pm EST with livestream captions and then on Facebook Live at 8:15 pm EST each night. Check out these recordings of the performances below!
Monday, August 10, 2020 CLOSING NIGHT: M-O-U-S-E by Christopher Chan Roberson with captions
M-O-U-S-E by Christopher Chan Roberson Directed by: Kimille Howard. Starring: Scott Barton, Nayab Hussein, Aya Ibaraki, Sean Phillips
Sunday, August 9, 2020: SING by Khalil LeSaldo with captions
SING by Khalil LeSaldo Directed by: Ward Nixon Starring: Martin Lewis and AhDream Smith
Saturday, August 8, 2020: 3 STOPS FROM LOOP TAPE STATION by Enrique Huili with captions
3 STOPS FROM LOOP TAPE STATION by Enrique Huili Directed by: Ashley Scott Starring: Juan Carlos Diaz and Melissa Jennifer Gonzalez
Friday, August 7, 2020: 3 GODS ON A ZOOM by Monét Marshall with captions
3 GODS ON A ZOOM by Monét Marshall Directed by: Keyanna Alexander Starring: Kalilah Black, Robin Carmon Marshall, and AhDream Smith
Thursday, August 6, 2020: (UNTITLED) by Tatiana G. Rivera with captions
(UNTITLED) by Tatiana G. Rivera Directed by: Everett Quinton Starring: Veronica Cruz, Christopher Imbrosiano, Patrick J. O’Hare, and Estrella Tamez
Wednesday, August 5, 2020: WHAT IF YOU READ MY PLAYS by Jeff Tabnick with captions
WHAT IF YOU READ MY PLAYS by Jeff Tabnick Directed by: Richard M. Rose Starring: Alyssa H. Chase, David Harrell
Tuesday, August 4, 2020: THE OLYMPIANS by Fareeda Ahmed with captions
THE OLYMPIANS by Fareeda Ahmed Directed by: Kristin Heckler Starring: Shravan Amin, Samantha Debicki, and Paul Pryce
Monday, August 3, 2020 OPENING NIGHT: CLOUDBUSTING by Chris Phillips with captions
CLOUDBUSTING by Chris Phillips Directed by: Stuart Green Starring: Jennifer Elizabeth Bradley, Richard Lear, and Dan Teachout
TBTB's 2020 1st Annual Virtual Playmakers' Intensive
During the week of May 25th-31st 2020, we had our first Virtual Playmakers' Intensive (VPI 2020: PANDEM-MANIA!!!) on YouTube Live at 7:30 pm EST with livestream captions and then on Facebook Live at 8:15 pm EST each night. Check out these recordings of the performances below!
Sunday, May 31, 2020 CLOSING NIGHT: MY FUNNY QUARANTYNE by Stuart Green with captions
MY FUNNY QUARANTYNE by Stuart Green Directed by: Richard M. Rose Starring: Alyssa H. Chase, J. Martin McDonough, and Everett Quinton
Saturday, May 30, 2020: PRESENCE by Sofya Levitsky-Weitz with captions
PRESENCE by Sofya Levitsky-Weitz Directed by: Everett Quinton Starring: Alyssa H. Chase, Bree Klauser, Melissa Jennifer Gonzalez, and Melanie Portsche.
Friday, May 29, 2020: THE NETHER REALMS: SOIL — CHAPTER 2, THE SHEPHERD DREAMS OF ANYTHING BUT WAR by Nico Grelli with captions
THE NETHER REALMS: SOIL — CHAPTER 2, THE SHEPHERD DREAMS OF ANYTHING BUT WAR by Nico Grelli Directed by: Kristin Heckler Starring: Samantha Debicki, Stuart Green, Pamela Sabaugh, and Jack Sims.
Thursday, May 28, 2020: GLORIA FIRMAMENT by Jeff Tabnick with captions
GLORIA FIRMAMENT by Jeff Tabnick Directed by: Richard M. Rose Starring: Scott Barton, Richard Lear, and Nick Walther
Wednesday, May 27, 2020: A DIVINE COMEDY by Fareeda Ahmed with captions
A DIVINE COMEDY by Fareeda Ahmed Directed by: Nicholas Viselli Starring: Kiera Allen, J. Martin McDonough, and Ann Marie Morelli
Tuesday, May 26, 2020: THE COMFORT ROOM by Kathryn Grant with captions
THE COMFORT ROOM by Kathryn Grant Directed by: Ann Marie Morelli Starring: David Harrell and Pearl Rhein.
Monday, May 25, 2020 OPENING NIGHT: LOVE IN THE TIME OF CORONA OR WEDDING BELL BLUES by Anita Hollander with captions
LOVE IN THE TIME OF CORONA OR WEDDING BELL BLUES by Anita Hollander Directed by: Nicholas Viselli Starring: Sofiya Cheyenne and Anita Hollander